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 Ctg traders struggle with unsold rawhides and low offers

Ctg traders struggle with unsold rawhides and low offers




Nearly a month after Eid-ul-Adha, Chattogram's rawhide traders are struggling with the burden of almost three lakh unsold hides, facing offers significantly below the government-set price.

They collected 3,60,905 skins of sacrificial animals from across the district, expecting to sell them for Tk50 to Tk55 per square foot as set for areas outside Dhaka.
However, tanneries are currently offering them only Tk37 to Tk40 per sqft.

Besides, rawhides collected during Eid-ul-Adha typically require two months to sell, and with only 80,000 pieces (22%) sold thus far, traders fear potential losses amid rising costs for salting, wages, and storage.

They said the situation is similar in other parts of the country. Hide traders outside Dhaka struggled to sell more than 50% of their leather and faced low prices.

Muslim Uddin, president of the Chattogram Rawhide Traders' Association, told The Business Standard that tannery owners are not meeting their expectations.

Even those who are buying are offering Tk12-Tk15 less per sqft than the government-set rate. Selling leather at these lower prices makes it hard to cover costs, he added.

He expressed concern that many businessmen have taken loans to invest in rawhides, and without fair prices, everyone stands to lose.

A trader in the port city explained that each cow's hide averages 20-22 sqft, purchased for around Tk400. Adding the costs of salting, wages, and storage—amounting to Tk450-Tk500—it becomes unsustainable to sell them at Tk900-Tk1,000 to tanners.

Even those who are buying are offering Tk12-Tk15 less per sqft than the government-set rate. Selling leather at these lower prices makes it hard to cover costs, he added.

He expressed concern that many businessmen have taken loans to invest in rawhides, and without fair prices, everyone stands to lose.

A trader in the port city explained that each cow's hide averages 20-22 sqft, purchased for around Tk400. Adding the costs of salting, wages, and storage—amounting to Tk450-Tk500—it becomes unsustainable to sell them at Tk900-Tk1,000 to tanners.




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