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 Xtep's first-half revenue jumped nearly 40% year on year

Xtep's first-half revenue jumped nearly 40% year on year



Author:ran fulin

On Aug 23, 2022, a Chinese sports brand Xstep released its interim financial results. In the first half of 2022 Xstep achieved 5.684 billion yuan of revenue, up 37.5 percent year on year; with the profit of 922 million yuan, up 34.8%.

Under the impacts of pandemic, Xtep takes a lead with a nearly 40% increase among the three major domestic sports brands. According to Xtep's report, the growth mainly attributes to the orders of the popular sports goods increasing, and the continued growth of the e-commerce business and the children's products sales.

According to Xtep launched the fifth five-year development plan, Xtep’s main brand revenue will reach 20 billion yuan by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of more than 23% and new established brand is expected to reach $4 billion in revenue by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of more than 30%.

Xtep said we came into post pandemic era, our medium to long term business remains optimistic, we will continue to focus on the development of the running business, enhance the operational capabilities of multiple brands for achieving a long-term growth."





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